News about StudioFD, Frank Doorhof, and more.

Brand new full length instructional video

I love teaching photography, and if you follow my social media pages you probably already know this.
With shows like Digital classroom, Quite Frankly, Behind the closed DOORs etc. etc. you might think you already got the best of me…. and although I of course really try to give you guys top notch material online it’s not really to be compared to our commercial videos. In the full length instructional videos I dive more into the matter and discuss/demo/show techniques and tips that I normally don’t share via the free channels.


With the full length videos I always try to take one subject that’s really important for creativity/technique etc. and really dive into that. We’ve had dedicated videos for working on location, the use of the Light-Meter, Capture One, Photoshop, creativity, coaching the model and a lot more…. but this time it was time for something really unique and a topic that will literally get your creative juices flowing. Let me introduce :

Mastering the modelshoot : Any light will do
I’ve taught countless workshops and released several instructional videos but this might be the most important one.
The first thing people always ask me is “what gear did you use”?
Of course most of the time we shoot with strobes, sunlight, reflectors etc. But in essence you can say that “Any light will do” I strongly believe that as long as there is light you can create images.

In short, you don’t need expensive gear to create stunning images or tell your story. That’s why in this video I show you a lot of tips and tricks how you can shoot with light sources that you normally probably never would have though off.

What about :
Smartphone lighting, a led flash light, Christmas lights, a tungsten lightbulb and even a chandelier.

But I also show you how to be creative with existing light sources like a ring light, Lume cubes, a DIY Fresnel with speed lights and even an icelight.
This video is filled to the brink with cool ideas that will trigger your creativity, but most of all proves once and for all that “any light will do”

Runtime app 85 minutes


What I can promise you after watching this video is that you will see lighting in a totally different way, this will not only help you when shooting with these “alternative” lightsources, but it will also help you greatly in understanding strobes, continues lighting and any mix of these. This is not just a “play with weird light sources video” this is really a video touching the fundamentals of understanding, controlling and manipulating light to 100% match your creativity.


You can download the video at 


Just a few of the examples from the video.

Patreon live stories

We’ve added something really cool to our Patreon page.
When you are a member of our Patreon group you will now get some unique behind the scenes images and video that will stay online for 24 hours.

This is ONLY visable for out patreons so if you don’t join already make sure to check it out at

We’re always thinking off cool new things for you guys.
Join Patreon to help us make more cool stuff for you guys you can already help out with $5.00 a month 😉 and get some awesome extras.

YouTube…. watch out….

I’m a huge YouTube fan.
I love to watch but most of all I love to create new exciting and interesting stuff for you guys, the community.
The main platform at the moment is of course YouTube.
However a lot is going on.

Because it’s the largest platform everyone loves to earn some money, often over the back of others.
YouTube has an option to earn money on videos, don’t think to much about it by the way, I’m happy if we earn 100-200 euros a month, seeing the ammount of work we put into our channel that is of course peanuts, that’s actually what makes it even more frustating what I’m typing now.

The first thing that happenend started a few years ago. I always used Quicktracks for creating music under the videos, this is of course a package I bought and the music I used was 100% legal. Still on almost every video we got a claim from company X-Y or whatever that the music was theirs, so YT stopped paying you and the money went to that company. Of course we always fought this claim and the weird thing is that within often 2 hours we would get a message that the company didn’t respond within 24 hours so the video was released again….. weird…. maybe YT lives in another dimension where time goes much faster. At one point we just had a copy paste text ready and every day we had app 2-3 videos that were claimed on bad weeks, sometimes none for weeks and than it started again.

Now for us it’s not a lot of money we lose of course, maybe cents, but add this all together and you can earn a nice income if creators don’t object. For us it was a matter of principle. Now we actually use music that is supplied by YT themselves or their partners and now we are free of these claims, but I can’t use my bought solution anymore 🙁

Now this is a third party that annoys the creators, and that’s “ok” (well it’s not but at least YT can’t really be blamed for people trying) however the last few months it’s happening over and over that my videos are (without any reason) demonitized, meaning you can’t earn money from them, and this is not a 3rd party… it’s YT itself that does this. The problem is….. you can ONLY complain when your video hit the 1000 views mark in 7 days which for some of my videos is not happening. We have videos that hit 1000 in 1 day but we also have videos like the vlog that are watched that ammount after a month, and that’s understandble being it’s a vlog. So in other words we can’t complain untill we hit that mark… the weird thing again is that SOMETIMES YT does seem to look and change the status again to approved. Now if I knew WHY and how to prevent this I would be happy, but most of my videos use the same keywords so it’s not that, in other words you’re in the hands of YT.


Now of course people tell me…”leave YT, go somewhere else”
And that’s why I post this blogpost.
In all honesty there are NO alternatives.
Of course you have Vimeo but let’s look at it.


YT is the standard, this means the largest audience, it works on every device from Playstation to smartTV to streamer etc. in fact when you ask someone about video platforms most don’t even know about vimeo. As a creator the most important thing is range, and in that case we are STUCK with YouTube, there is NO alternative. Of course I change to Vimeo but that would mean doing a boat load of work for a much smaller audience. Taking into account that sponsors, viewers etc. are only interested in content (the viewers) and numbers (the sponsors) it’s only logical to choose the platform with the biggest audience, how frustating that is. The money we lose due to YT’s strange behaviours doesn’t even come close to the viewers we would lose if we changed platforms.

It’s a very very frustating situation, but for now it’s the only way.
YT delivers the best platform (although the trending videos are a bit weird), it delivers the best options for us creators with apps able to stream on the road and do live streams like digital classroom, but is also frustates the HECK out of the creators like me. We are a relativly young/growing channel with “only” 22.000 subs (growing every day) so I don’t have the impact that someone like Casey Neistat has (YT seems to listen to him very quickly). But we do poor a lot of love into our channel and the videos we create for you guys, so it’s incredibly frustating that the platform that earns money over the backs of the creators is actually frustating it’s creators.


If I leave YT nothing will happen, in fact it will only impact my own succes, I’m just afraid that if people with much larger channels leave YT, YT could very well be in REAL trouble.
What do you think?

Oh and do us a favor, subscribe to we REALLY appriciate it.

Xrite allround solution

It’s no secret I love a colormanaged workflow.

But how do you calibrate your monitor?

Well that’s easy. Use an analyzer

But how about your camera?

Well that’s easy. Use the colorchecker

But how about my printer and mobile device…..

Well if you want to calibrate everything from a-z there now is a cool solution from x-rite.

More info here..