Tip : Spice up your shot with some water

Of course we are always looking at ways to spice up a shot.
You can use smoke, colored gels, extreme styling etc. etc.

But it can also be much easier.
Just take a plant mister fill it with lukewarm water (your model will thank you) and just spray.
For extra drama make sure the hairs are already very wet and let the model move around…..

For lighting make sure you light it (just like smoke) from the back.
Good luck and have fun.

OH…. do be careful with power, your strobes and your floor, water is still water.
Make sure to post some of your results here.

For way more tips (and more in depth) check my instructional Videos on www.frankdoorhof.com/videos or KelbyOne, or read my book “mastering the model shoot”