Two special messages today

Today is a very special day…. November 2nd is the birthday of our son Brian.
And today he has turned 14 which is exactly the same number as my age, but inversed 😀
And even in height he is getting dangerously close to me, he will be over 2 mtrs when he is grownup so somehow I have to be aware that I keep on his good side 😀


Let’s give him a great HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of you 😀


And the second message is a link to my guestblog on Scott Kelby’s blog.
In this guestblog I talk about the importance of styling and social media, so go and check it out.

7 replies
  1. GG
    GG says:

    My birthday also is/was on 2 November. The main difference is: I turned 65.

    All the best for a great year, young Brian.

    And thanks, Frank, for your great posts. I first came across your stuff via B&H about a year ago.

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